White box, neons, plinth, book, screens, speakers

White Cell
1498 pages

Videos looped with sound
AAAAH : 00:30:00
Blackdot : 00:06:27
Eye Cleaning : 00:04:26

Installation of a large white box lit by 20 neons lights hanging on the upper wall. Inside the box, is presenting a large white book that collects 727 of the 3,000 self-portraits that the artist took in two months. The photographer’s self-imposed rules for taking these pictures were: “I am inside the box, I am dressed in white, I am barefoot and I can only release the shutter.” Container is a project about alienation in the relationship between the photographer and the apparatus. The camera is a black box in a white cube. The rules are the inputs and the images the outputs.These playful and at times disturbing self-portraits are a homage to Fluxus, the work of 1970s performance artists such as Vito Acconci and Bruce Nauman and a cruel reminder of our constant and exhausting compulsion to use photography to prove we exist.
Text by Bruno Ceschel
Installation, book, videos
All rights reserved 2024 © Augustin Lignier